

For inquiries and questions about our hotel, please do not hesitate to contact us.

As we cannot estimate how long it will take to answer an inquiry from our guests, we would like to kindly request your understanding in advance.
Please call us if you are in need of an immediate response.

Multilingual Call Center

Tel.+ 81 92-687-5294

Using the telephone interpretation service for foreigners,
please tell the hotel name to the operator when calling.


Please do not use half-width Japanese katakana characters when typing in your entry.
* Marked items are required.

First name
Last name
Phone number
Postal Code
Your inquiry


The personal information you have entered will be used to respond to your inquiries.

  • (1)We will handle your personal information in accordance with the proper laws and regulations.
  • (2)The personal information (name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, workplace or company name, and for our international guests, we require your nationality and passport number, as well as any requests regarding our services such as food) of our guests shall be used for the following purposes.
    • 1) To provide services such as accommodations and food
    • 2) To confirm reservation details
    • 3) To improve the quality of our inn
    • 4) To provide plans for the next stay of our guests
    • 5) In accordance to the laws and regulations, we will only notify 4) to guests who wish to be notified of such.
  • (3)We will not provide the personal information of our guests, aside from the following reasons.
    • 1) In case there is a request by the guest to arrange to make reservations at other sightseeing facilities
    • 2) To confirm reservation details
    • 3) In case where a guest is in an emergency such as sudden illness or injury, and cannot communicate
    • 4) In case our inn requires a portion of our service to be outsourced to another company
    • 5) In case the laws and regulations state such information to be provided
  • (4)The personal information of our customers shall be safely and properly managed in accordance to the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and relevant laws and regulation.
    • 1) Personal information shall be managed in the proper method so that there will be no divulgement of information.
    • 2) Employees of the inn shall be trained in the related manual and will be managed responsibly.
    • 3) We will execute a confidentiality contract with the companies that we outsource our work to take safe measures into account.
  • (5)Suspension or revision from our guests
    • 1) If our guests require that we disclose the registered content of the personal information of that guest, we will immediately disclose such information. If there are any reasons a disclosure is not possible, we will provide a thorough explanation.
    • 2) Upon a request made by a guest to suspend the use, etc., we will immediately handle such requests upon the execution of the duties and responsibilities, as well as being within the legality of the relevant laws and regulations.





